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diedododa is driven by the pure desire to create, surprise, play, experiment and adventure; and to share that sense of excitement with you and your walls.

The creative force behind the Pretty is artist Dodo Flügge, the accumulated pictures on here are an exclusive tour of the state of her brain.

Inspiration comes easily, and from any and everywhere: a snippet of conversation picked up in passing, chipped paint on a door, or a sweet given with the bill at a restaurant. There are no carefully mapped-out collections and release-dates - off the cuff is our thing. The ground rules are pretty simple brief is pretty simple: Is it witty? Is it fun? Is it colourful? Is it unexpected? Is it fluffy? Would we want  it on our walls/in our lives? If the answer is yes to 2 or gets made for you to enjoy as well.

Why “stare at art not walls”?…. because we believe you should make it personal; that your home is an extension of yourself, and you probably aren’t a blank wall.

Our greatest reward is seeing you take what we’ve created and make it your own.

We want you to take us home and have fun with us.

Show us what you've got, tag @diedododa